橡胶接头俗称可曲挠橡胶接头,其产品广泛应用于水、电、化工、船泊系统。其结构材料采用浸胶尼龙帘于布,保证有14-16层,内外面采用高强度耐老化极性橡胶材料,为防止该产品在长期使用中自然萎缩和减少老化破裂,采用网状钢丝进行多体保护。可取代广泛应用于电厂、水厂、污水厂、化工、冶金行业的其它伸缩产品。我厂的主要材质有天然橡胶、丁晴胶、氯丁胶和三元乙炳橡胶,经郑州市技术监督部门和巩义市技术监督部门分批抽查完全合格,使用该产品对人类没有污染,没有任何副作用,故连年来被评为市“优质产品产品”称号。可曲挠橡胶接头主要性能耐压高(1.0-6.4MPa),弹性好(可轴向、横向角向位移)降噪音(正常情况 下,可降低结构传递噪音15-30分贝),质量轻,减震动,安装方便,使用灵活,便于拆换维修,同时具有耐酸、耐碱、耐油等特点。
Rubber joint commonly known as the song can be flexible rubber joint, and its products are widely used in water, electricity, chemical industry, watercrafts system. Its structure materials used in the soak glue nylon shade in cloth, guarantee a 14-16 layer, outside in the high strength aging polarity rubber material, to prevent the product in the long-term use of natural atrophy and reduce aging is broken, and the wire mesh more body protection. Can replace are widely used in power plant, water and sewage treatment plant, chemical industry, metallurgy industry expansion of other products. Our main material is natural rubber, butadiene acrylonitrile rubber, butyronitrile rubber and three yuan YiBing rubber, zhengzhou city by the technical supervision department and gongyi technical supervision departments partial selective examination fully qualified, use this product to human no pollution, no side effects so as to be in successive years, "high quality product product" title. Can music flexible rubber joint main performance high voltage (1.0-6.4 MPa), good flexibility (axial, horizontal displacement Angle to the fallen noise (normally, can reduce structure 15-30 db noise transmission), light quality, reduce vibration, easy installation, use agile, facilitate maintenance systems, and has resistance performance of acid, alkali, oil resistance etc. Characteristics.